Friday, March 10, 2006

Song lyric Corner

I DEFY even Betty to I.D. this wonderful lyric on my mp3 this week:
You ask me what I'm doing
I just picked out my nose
My lady's in the kitchen
Not wearing any clothes

go on, prove me wrong!

While I was away

You know, working on a new reality game thing for C4 with Jerrers and Joan Bakewell called "Knob Idol". Looking to go into pre-prod in May. You wanna be in it, mail me, man.

Also working on a musical based on the lives of Lembit Opik MP and the lovely Sian. Note to self: email Sir Cameron and Sir Andrew first thing Monday, or else!

It's NOT OK, OK?

The Guardian tells me today "It's OK to like Hall & Oates again. Really."

Is this Oates or Hall? As if I care

Up in the morning look in the mirror
I'm worn as her tooth brush hanging in the stand
my face ain't looking any younger
now I can see love's taken her toll on me

(why am I shouting?)

No it isn't OK. Never has been. Never will be. Really.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


In my profile I describe myself as an IT Obfuscator. No-one has ever taken issue with that wacky self-description. Probably rightly.

I wrote this in an email the other day, without irony, humour or any other saving grace:

"This will have been related to print distribution s/w resource issues this end."

Had I chosen to write in English I'd have said "the PC that takes care of your printing stopped working for some reason until I did something about it". More words certainly, but with some hope of being understood. Obviously the last thing I wanted was to be understood...

I'm not proud of wot I done.


  1. Big-Eyed Beans From Venus - Capt. Beefheart. (Tho' veering to "Abba Zabba")
  2. Leader Of The Pack - Shangri-Las
  3. Valley Of Rain - Giant Sand
  4. Mack The Knife - Ella Fitzgerald

Manhole Covers

All those years ago I tried to tell you that manhole covers were interesting. I was Japanese at heart it seems. See?